Electric services

Electrical panel replacement and upgrade

1 hr  |  $1699.00 $ 2500.00
Our promotion price for standard residential electrical panel swap and upgrade is $ 1699.00. Call us now!

Estimate project

1 hr  |  $35
You can book with us your estimate at your own time. The $ 35.00 will be used as credit toward the final amount of your project if we decided to do business together. Estimate is only for one project in specific.

Parking lot lights services

1 hr  |  $197
Parking lot light services

Portable generator connection

1 hr  |  $485.00 - $685.00
Protable generator connection. This system will provide power for the most important parts and appliances of your home without expending a lot of money on standby generator. We do all the electric connection and gas or propane setup.

Whole house Generator estimates

1 hr  |  Free
We are Generac dealers and services technician. We offer our clients the most affordable way to backup their homes in the most reliable way.

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